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Friday, April 21

Gas From the Rain Forest

Washington Post Gas From the Rain Forest: "Backers of a multibillion-dollar proposal to ship vast stores of liquid natural gas from Peru's Amazonian rain forest to the United States are seeking Bush administration support for international financing, but environmental questions are complicating the bid." Recently leaks in the pipeline from the Camisea natural gas fields have raised questions about the quality of the construction and maintenance of the infrastructure.

Monday, April 17

Behind the crest of the news

I have been remise in covering the Peruvian elections. Good things (tons of paying work) and bad things (a crashed hard disk) have stolen my free time and energy for thinking about the complexities in Peru. In case you don't already know, the best blog for following political events is Peru Election 2006 hosted by the University of British Columbia. It's a team effort, with lost of comments and feedback, content in English and Spanish.

To add insult, I absentmindedly posted this item in my other blog, Prana Journal, last week. This week I need to get back in the groove, having at least caught up with the essentials of daily life.

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